About us

Biofinca Casa el Riego – for us the most beautiful place in the south of Tenerife
When I moved from Berlin to Tenerife and bought Casa el Riego, I fulfilled my dream of living in and with nature, in the sun and close to the mountains that I love so much. Together with my children, Noah and Jonah, we have been developing and filling this place with lots of love and energy ever since.

After various works on the house and the construction of a communal kitchen, we have been opening our house to guests from all over the world since January 2022. Guests who want to enjoy a conscious and sustainable vacation, enjoy being in company but are also looking for peace and quiet. The high-quality yoga, Qi Gong and massage services offered by my partner Marco help guests to (re)connect with themselves and the environment. We also offer kirtans (mantra singing circles), permaculture workshops and retreats at regular intervals. And every Wednesday you are welcome to join in the gardening.

We humans are made to be in community. Let’s be together, sing together and laugh together. In a safe and loving environment that also allows you to BE with yourself.

Our credo: When everyone respects the needs of others (people and nature), the result is a wonderful togetherness.